Movie: Masooda (2022) Director: Sai Kiran Producer: Rahul Yadhav Nakka Cast: Sangeetha, Thiruveer, Shubhalekha Sudhakar, Bandhavi Sridhar & Others Music: Prashanth R Vihari Editor: Jeswin Prabhu Cinematography: Nagesh Bannell Release Date: 18/11/22 Streaming Platform: Aha Censor: 'A' (18+ Warning, violence & supernatural elements) 1.75/5 'Routine, Boring, Yet again the very similar horror genre film without cringe elements' 01. 'Masooda' in & out. 'Masooda' a supernatural Telugu film that has garnered alot of buzz off- late, has done a very good job in the market too. Masooda is not an exception to all other horror films that have come in the past but however the cringe is not there here. How come Masooda is a different film from all other supernatural films is that it doesn't have a sensless comedy track, too many illogical elements & above all the cringe is absent, thank god- that's the only point saving this film from sufferein...